Swiss Cheese Plant


Monstera Deliciosa

I would never say no to plant shopping, so, when my friend wanted some new plants for her dorm room of course I went with her! We both ended up getting this swiss cheese plant, named for the holes in its leaves. We also noticed the roots were extremely overgrown in their nursery pots so we also bought terracotta pots to repot them in. I had had this plant before and it mysteriously died, I think one of the causes was that it was getting too much sunlight so I made sure to put this one in a less lighted area. As of right now it is doing well and producing some new growth, however, it is still a pretty recent plant and therefore I haven't had enough time to learn from it. It hasn’t died yet though, so that's a good sign!




every 1-2 weeks




toxic to humans, cats, and dogs